The Events of June
At the beginning of June the boys I was home schooling finish what was required of them before going to Canada for a month. Since I had free time in the mornings, I began teaching two woman English on the weekdays. The rest of my teaching schedule remains the same: grades 8, 9, and 10 in the school and meeting with two small groups for English classes.
In the month of June I had a very nice visit with my sister Tureena. We enjoyed traveling to Tikal and racing through the jungle in the dark in order to watch the sunrise from the top of a temple; Very beautiful!! While in Tikal we saw monkeys, birds, insects and many lizards. The main element we were struggling against was the heat. The heat is very debilitating, it causes slowness of physicality as well as mentality. In Santa Elena (where our hotel was) it was so hot and humid that we preferred spend most of our time in our air-conditioned hotel room. We tried to drink as much water as we could to stay hydrated (we bought out the hotels supply).
Tureena and I also went to Antigua. There we spent a great deal of time in the market bartering with the locals, looking in little shops, and passing the time in cafes eating cheesecake and drinking coffee. We also toured some of the many church ruins. Antigua’s very beautiful for its cobblestone streets and blend of old and new architecture.

The day that Tureena returned home, my friend Will arrived. He will be here for one month to travel and help Zaak where he can. Karly is also coming to visit. She will be arriving in a few days. I’m really looking forward to her visit as it’s been 8 months since I saw her last. I’ve been very blessed to have my family and friends come visit me, it has made my time away from home seem not so long.
Hulda (the girl I sponsor) and I have continued to spend at least one day a week together. We have fun together eating in restaurants, going for ice cream, playing games, and going to the zoo. I know that time spent together is worth more than anything I could buy her. It will be sad to leave in 4 months, but I know we will always remember the times we shared.

The latest addition to my work is helping the women prepare the meals for the students. The women are very nice but they usually speak Pocumchi so I'm never quite sure what they are talking about (guess I'll have to learn that language too). I enjoy being at the school when the younger children are there (I teach in the evening and therefore only see the jr. high students).
Last weekend the other teachers and I took a group of students to Coban (a city about 20min away) to eat at McDonalds. For many of them it was the first time there. After we played in a little theme park. It was a lot of fun and the kids had a wonderful time.
Well that’s all for now, I will try to be more prompt with my next entry but I can’t promise anything ;)
Well written article.
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